Yoonjae Nam, Ph.D.


C.V. : go to http://www.yoonjaenam.com


§    Associate Professor

§    Department of Culture & Entertainment, College of Hospitality & Tourism Management

§    Director, Digital Contents IP & Assets Research Center

§    Kyung Hee University


남윤재 교수

§    경희대학교 신문방송국장 (대학주보, VOU, The University Life)

§    문화엔터테인먼트학과 (학부)

§    문화관광콘텐츠학과, 스마트관광원 (일반대학원)

§    관광대학원 문화관광엔터테인먼트학과

§    디지털콘텐츠IP & Assets 연구소장


§    Ph.D. Dept. of Communication, State University of New York, Buffalo. (뉴욕주립대학교 커뮤니케이션 박사)

§    MCIS (the Master of Communication and Information Studies), School of Communication Information and Library Studies, Rutgers University, New Jersey (럿거스대학교 커뮤니케이션-정보학 석사)

§    M.A. Dept. of Communication, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea (연세대학교 신문방송학 석사)

§    B.A. Dept. of Communication, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea (연세대학교 신문방송학 학사)

<Research interests>

Media, Social network, Tourism, Entertainment, Semiotics, Cultural diffusion, Corporate communication

